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Nautilus Land  Parcels & Houses

We have a number of rental properties in the Nautilus City. It is one of the 3 large mainland urban places, the other 2 are Kama City and Bay City. Our properties there are some of Sandro Halasy's first acquisitions.

Nautilus is one of the few mainland properties with double prim factor, which means more prims for the size of the parcel.

Prices and Prims:
450L/wk with  700 prims - 1024 sqm
850L/wk with  1400 prims - 2048 sqm
1290L/wk with 2100 prims - 3072  sqm
1690L/wk with 2800 prims - 4096 sqm

We also have houses with unique landscapes on select properties at Nautilus.




Please check below for availability and feel free to visit:


*Second Life® and the inSL logo are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Mystical Rentals  is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research

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